All Freeview Play equipment is HD, and some models also support...
With Freeview you'll usually get more than 70 standard and a...
You'll find recommendations in Freeview Explore in your TV's...
Some of the channel players (including BBC iPlayer) provide live...
Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) is a method of providing TV...
In addition to viewing your favourite programmes through live TV...
Often resetting your equipment can fix problems. Switch off your...
Find out how to retune your device from our helpful retuning...
If you're having problems with reception, picture or channels...
Check for channel changes and launches via information on channel...
New to Freeview? Here's how you can access all our on-demand...
It’s a good idea to retune your TV or box two to three times a...
If you've forgotten your password, you'll have to request a reset...
Some programmes may not have rights to be streamed on mobile...
We recommend you always use a qualified aerial installer, as they...