We need to know your location so you get the correct channel line...
To watch programmes in standard definition (SD), you’ll need a...
At Freeview, we believe everyone has the right to watch great TV...
You can access the TV Guide through the TV Guide button on your...
At the moment you can't switch between devices and continue...
To enjoy Freeview you'll need a Freeview TV, box or recorder, an...
You can buy Freeview devices from many retailers. Freeview Play...
If you allow automatic updates on your device you should get a...
Go to My Freeview in the Freeview mobile app and tap Region. Then...
If you want to use only wi-fi for watching programmes on the app...
Before the launch of any new TV channel, there's usually...
The Freeview mobile app works on phones and tablets running...
With Freeview Play equipment you can watch a range of HD channels...
You don’t need to sign up for Freeview, as it's installed in most...