Will and Ralf Know Better - U
Ellis - Channel 5

New and trending shows on Freeview Play

There's over 60,000 hours of on demand content all for free on Freeview Play, to make choosing that bit easier, here's what's new and trending.

The Apprentice

Boardrooms and bust-ups in Britain's toughest job interview. Who's all talk and who can deliver?

Watch now on BBC iPlayer


Intriguing crime drama set in York with Laura Fraser and Ella Maisy Purvis. Talented autistic archivist Patience enters an unpredictable world when detective Bea spots her unique crime-solving skills.

Watch now on Channel 4

Alison Hammond's Florida Unpacked

Former tour rep Alison and son Aidan head to the Sunshine State - on a quest for family adventure in true American style. Can they go full-on Florida without breaking the bank?

Watch now on BBC iPlayer

Florida Unpacked

Brian and Maggie

Dramatisation of the infamous 1989 interview between journalist Brian Walden and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, which triggered the downfall of the Iron Lady. With Steve Coogan and Harriet Walter.

Watch now on Channel 4

Out There

A dangerous world, a family threatened - Martin Clunes stars in this gritty thriller. After his son is dragged into a ruthless drug gang, a father risks it all to protect his own.

Watch now on ITVX

The Good Ship Murder

There's a murder in every port in this drama set in the sunny Mediterranean.

Watch now on My5

Idris Elba: Our Knife Crime Crisis

Idris Elba confronts the reality of knife crime, speaking to those most affected - from the streets to the system - in a quest to uncover how we can break the cycle.

Watch now on BBC iPlayer

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