You'll find recommendations in Freeview Explore in your TV's...
You can access the TV Guide through the TV Guide button on your...
Go to My Freeview in the Freeview mobile app and tap Region. Then...
Most programmes are subtitled to help hard-of-hearing viewers and...
Many digital TV devices come with talking features to help...
Want to record or download your favourite TV shows? The easiest...
If you have a Freeview Play TV or set-top box it means that you...
In addition to viewing your favourite programmes through live TV...
With Freeview Play you're already set up for on-demand shows from...
On the Freeview mobile app, you can find them by selecting Box...
BBC Sounds is a streaming media and audio download service from...
We recommend you update the Freeview mobile app every time newer...
Often resetting your equipment can fix problems. Switch off your...
If you want to use only wi-fi for watching programmes on the app...
Freeview Play has on-demand TV built in. You can also watch live...